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What if the sound is not handled well? The tuner quietly shares these 5 tips

source:Industry News release time:2022-09-07 Hits:     Popular:Brand bar audio wholesale

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  The human ear is more sensitive to timbre, and can directly judge whether the sound is realistic or not. Timbre is of great importance in tuning. A little bit of mishandling of timbre will result in monotonous and boring sound, and even worse, serious distortion of musical instruments or singing. Today we are going to share some professional tuner tips!

  1. Adjust the ratio of microphone volume to accompaniment music

  To sing a good song, the accompaniment music output accounts for 60% in theory. If the singer's timbre is good, the volume of the accompaniment music can be appropriately reduced to highlight the singer's singing voice. , you can appropriately increase the volume of some accompaniment music to cover up the shortcomings of singing.

  In the singing scene, generally, the volume of the microphone should not be increased too much. It is even more inadvisable if the volume of the microphone is much higher than the volume of the accompaniment music. tune. The volume of the accompaniment music should not be too strong, so as not to steal the "light" of the singer's voice.

  2. Adjust the pitch of the accompaniment music

  The accompaniment music is tuned according to the singer's tone, and it cannot be adapted to every singer's condition. For example, some people sing in a higher range, and some people sing in a lower range. In order to make the accompaniment music reflect the voice characteristics of each singer, the tuning should have a sensitive auditory response to the singing voice characteristics. When singing, first place the pitch control in the middle position, neither rising nor falling. If the singer can tune up, there is no need to adjust it; if the singer can't sing in the low-pitched area, or the high-pitched area can't keep up, you can adjust the pitch to the vocal area suitable for the singer according to the actual situation. 3. Adjust the bass and soprano

  Under normal circumstances, male voices have excess bass, which will be relatively low and lack treble. Generally, the 3kHz frequency band can be compensated, which can improve the clarity of singing; female voices have too much treble, the sound is easy to be sharp, and the bass is insufficient. Generally, the 400Hz frequency band can be compensated. Compensation can make the sound louder and not too harsh.

  4. Adjust the reverberation time

  Reverberation determines the length of the reverberation, which is directly related to the color and clarity of the sound. Under normal circumstances, when the bass is singing, the reverberation time can be shortened to improve the clarity of the sound; when the soprano is singing, the reverberation time can be extended to increase the color of the sound.

  If the walls around the tuning scene are made of wood, the reverberation time should be reduced to avoid blurring the sound; if the sound-absorbing materials such as flannel curtains are all around the tuning scene, the reverberation time should be increased to avoid dry sound . It is worth noting that the number of audiences in the scene will also have a certain impact (Note: the audience's clothing also has a sound absorption effect). When tuning, you can choose a reverberation time between one or two seconds.

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