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Audio equipment is moisture-proof, don't forget the microphone.Learn Audio in Conference Room

source:Industry News release time:2022-06-17 Hits:     Popular:Brand bar audio wholesale

  XD12 Brand bar audio Vendor

  It is the rainy season in Guangdong in March. The high air humidity has a great impact on both people and objects. Many friends only think of speaker amplifiers and other products for the moisture-proof audio equipment, and it is easy to ignore the microphone. , then today the jazz dragon manufacturer will tell you how to do a good job of moisture-proofing the microphone.

  1. If you are in an area with high humidity during the season, try to find a sealed box for the unsealed condenser microphone, such as a small shock-proof box. Put some moisture-proof beads outside. If the desiccant is wet, It means that the humidity is too large. Open the microphone head cover and check whether the inner wall of the microphone is wet. If the inner wall of the microphone is wet, dry it with a hair dryer, and then connect it to the device and test it after 10 minutes of power.

  2. Rainproof and dustproof. Rainwater is the natural enemy of condenser microphones. The diaphragm of condenser microphones will slow down the corrosion of metal materials due to water, and will short-circuit the external circuit wires. Don't rush to put it in the box when finished, use a hair dryer to stop drying and then release it.

  3. Another small detail is that when you use the microphone, it is recommended to mainly use the table frame to avoid holding the microphone with your hands for a long time, which will cause sweat, which will affect the microphone.

  4. Anti-fall, pay special attention not to overturn the microphone stand when the wire is pulled. Shock can desensitize or even damage the condenser microphone.

  5. If you find that there is a problem with the fasteners that lock the microphone, you must not lock it hard. It is better to use electrical tape to tie the condenser microphone directly to the microphone stand, and don't take risks because of its beauty.


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